USPEX stands for Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtallography…and in Russian “uspekh” means “success”, which is appropriate given the high success rate and many useful results produced by this method! The USPEX code possesses many unique capabilities for computational materials discovery. Here is a list of features: …
From the beginning in 2004, non-empirical crystal structure prediction was the main aim of the USPEX project. In addition to this, USPEX also allows one to predict a large set of robust metastable structures and perform several types of simulations using various degrees of prior knowledge. Starting from 2010, our code explosively expanded to other types of problems, and from 2012 includes many complementary methods.
The problem of crystal structure prediction is very old and does, in fact, constitute the central problem of theoretical crystal chemistry. In 1988 John Maddox wrote that:
“One of the continuing scandals in the physical sciences is that it remains in general impossible to predict the structure of even the simplest crystalline solids from a knowledge of their chemical composition... Solids such as crystalline water (ice) are still thought to lie beyond mortals’ ken”.
It is immediately clear that the problem at hand is that of global optimization, i.e., finding the global minimum of the free energy of the crystal (per mole) with respect to variations of the structure. To get some feeling of the number of possible structures, let us consider a simplified case of a fixed cubic cell with volume , within which one has to position
identical atoms. For further simplification let us assume that atoms can only take discrete positions on the nodes of a grid with resolution
. This discretization makes the number of combinations of atomic coordinates
![]() |
(1) |
If is chosen to be a significant fraction of the characteristic bond length (e.g.,
= 1
), the number of combinations given by eq. 1 would be a reasonable estimate of the number of local minima of the free energy. If there are more than one type of atoms, the number of different structures significantly increases. Assuming a typical atomic volume
, and taking into account Stirling’s formula (
), the number of possible structures for an element A (compound AB) is
) for a system with 10 atoms in the unit cell,
) for a system with 20 atoms in the cell, and
) for a system with 30 atoms in the unit cell. These numbers are enormous and practically impossible to deal with even for small systems with a total number of atoms
. Even worse, complexity increases exponentially with
. It is clear then, that point-by-point exploration of the free energy surface going through all possible structures is not feasible, except for the simplest systems with
1-5 atoms in the unit cell.
USPEX employs an evolutionary algorithm devised by A.R. Oganov and C.W. Glass, with major subsequent contributions by A.O. Lyakhov and Q. Zhu. Its efficiency draws from the carefully designed variation operators, while its reliability is largely due to the use of state-of-the-art ab initio simulations inside the evolutionary algorithm. The strength of evolutionary simulations is that they do not require any system-specific knowledge (except the chemical composition) and are self-improving, i.e. in subsequent generations increasingly good structures are found and used to generate new structures. This allows a “zooming in” on promising regions of the energy (or property) landscape (Fig. 1). Furthermore, by carefully designing variation operators, it is very easy to incorporate additional features into an evolutionary algorithm.
A major motivation for the development of USPEX was the discovery of the post-perovskite phase of MgSiO (Fig. 2), which was made in 2004 and has significantly changed models of the Earth’s internal structure. In mid-2005 we had the first working version of USPEX. By September 2010, when USPEX was publicly released, the user community numbered nearly 200, over 800 users in May 2012, and over 2100 in December 2014.
The popularity of USPEX is due to its extremely high efficiency and reliability. This was shown in the First Blind Test for Inorganic Crystal Structure Prediction , where USPEX outperformed the other methods it was tested against (simulated annealing and random sampling). Random sampling (a technique pioneered for structure prediction by Freeman and Schmidt in 1993 and 1996, respectively, and since 2006 revived by Pickard under the name AIRSS) is the simplest, but also the least successful and computationally the most expensive strategy. Even for small systems, such as GaAs with 8 atoms/cell, these advantages are large (random sampling requires on average 500 structure relaxations to find the ground state in this case, while USPEX finds it after only 30 relaxations! (Fig. 3)). Due to the exponential scaling of the complexity of structure search (eq. 1), the advantages of USPEX increase exponentially with system size. For instance, 2 out of 3 structures of SiH
predicted by random sampling to be stable , turned out to be unstable ; and similarly random sampling predictions were shown to be incorrect for nitrogen and for SnH
(compare predictions of USPEX and of random sampling ).
For larger systems, random sampling tends to produce almost exclusively disordered structures with nearly identical energies, which decreases the success rate to practically zero, as shown in the example of MgSiO post-perovskite with 40 atoms/supercell — random sampling fails to find the correct structure even after 120,000 relaxations, whereas USPEX finds it after several hundred relaxations (Fig. 4).
Random sampling runs can easily be performed with USPEX — but we see this useful mostly for testing. Likewise, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for cluster and crystal structure prediction (developed by A.I. Boldyrev and re-implemented by Wang, Lu, Zhu and Ma) has been revamped and implemented on the basis of USPEX with minor programming work as a corrected PSO (corPSO) algorithm, which outperforms previous versions of PSO. Still, any version of PSO is rather weak and we see the PSO approach suitable mostly for testing purposes, if anyone wants to try. A very powerful new method, complementary to our evolutionary algorithm, is evolutionary metadynamics , a hybrid of Martoňák’s metadynamics and the Oganov-Glass evolutionary approach. This method is powerful for global optimization and for harvesting low-energy metastable structures, and even for finding possible phase transition pathways. For detailed investigations of phase transition mechanisms, additional methods are implemented: variable-cell NEB method and transition path method in the version .