Transition path sampling (TPS) is a method for simulating rare events: a good example of a rare event is a transition of a system from one stable state to another; these occur due to rare fluctuations, which cannot be observed within typical timescales of molecular dynamics simulations. Examples include protein folding, chemical reactions and nucleation. TPS is a powerful method to study these phenomena. In short, TPS is a technique performing Monte-Carlo sampling over transition trajectories (each of which is a molecular dynamics trajectory).
The TPS method is only enabled with the LAMMPS and CP2K (will be available soon) codes at the moment.
To switch on the TPS mode, you have to:
TPS : calculationMethod
Create a MD restart file lammps.restart for LAMMPS code or cp2k.restart for CP2K code in the Seeds/ folder.
Create an order parameter calculation script or use USPEX’s fingerprints as default. (See more details below).
Specify the following TPS options:
variable numIterations
Meaning: Maximum number of TPS steps.
Default: 1000
500 : numIterations
variable speciesSymbol
Meaning: Describes identities of all chemical species (atomic or molecular).
Default: No default
% speciesSymbol
CH4 Si O
% EndSpeciesSymbol
NOTE: In TPS, we use speciesSymbol to replace the atomType to support molecular species, together with numSpecies. For example, we can use
% numSpecies
1 648 1296
% EndNumSpecies
% speciesSymbol
CH4 Si O
% EndSpeciesSymbol
variable mass
Meaning: Masses for each type of species.
Default: Default value corresponding to the species
% mass
% EndMass
variable amplitudeShoot
Meaning: Distribution amplitude of the momentum for AB and B
A directions in shooting operation.
Default: 0.1 0.1
% amplitudeShoot
0.12 0.12
% EndAmplitudeShoot
variable magnitudeShoot
Meaning: Factor for increasing or decreasing the amplitude of magnitude distribution when succeeded or failed to have a new MD trajectory, respectively.
Default: 1.05 1.05
% magnitudeShoot
1.0 1.05
% EndMagnitudeShoot
NOTE: Unless the user has system-specific experience, we strongly suggest to use this option to automatically adjust the distribution amplitude of the momentum.
variable shiftRatio
Meaning: Ratio of applying a shifter operation after having a successful shooter operation.
Default: 0.1
0.5 : shiftRatio
variable orderParaType
Meaning: Method of order parameter calculation to distinguish different phases:
“0” — user-defined method to calculate the order parameter, a script should be provided in cmdOrderParameter;
“1” — fingerprint method (Oganov & Valle, 2009).
Default: No default
0 : orderParaType
variable opCriteria
Meaning: Two values here specify the tolerable degree of similarity to the starting and ending states, respectively. If one or both ends of the trajectory lead to different end structures, such a trajectory will be rejected in the TPS method.
Default: No default
% opCriteria
0.995 0.995
% EndOpCriteria
NOTE: If you use the fingerprint method, the larger system you have, the more strict criteria you should have. For example, we should set opCriteria=[ 0.995, 0.995 ] with 1,000 atoms; and opCriteria=[ 0.998, 0.998 ] in system more than 30,000 atoms when studying the fcchcp phase transition.
variable cmdOrderParameter
Meaning: User-defined command to calculate the order parameter. It is not needed if you use the fingerprint method.
Default: No default
% cmdOrderParameter
% EndCmdOrderParameter
variable cmdEnthalpyTemperature
Meaning: User-defined command to extract the enthalpy and temperature from MD results.
Default: No default
% cmdEnthalpyTemperature
% EndCmdEnthalpyTemperature
variable orderParameterFile
Meaning: File name to store the order parameter history in a single MD calculation for TPS to read.
Default: fp.dat
op.dat : orderParameterFile
variable enthalpyTemperatureFile
Meaning: File name to store the enthalpy & temperature history in a single MD calculation for TPS to read or user-defined script to analyze.
Default: HT.dat
HT0.dat : enthalpyTemperatureFile
variable trajectoryFile
Meaning: File name to store the MD trajectory. This name should be consistent with the MD trajectory output file name from the calculation.
Default: traj.dat
Format: : trajectoryFile
variable MDrestartFile
Meaning: File name to store the MD restart file from the calculation for TPS to read. This name should be consistent with the MD restart file name from the calculation.
Default: traj.restart
lammps0.restart : MDrestartFile